Animal Reproductive Biotechnology Laboratory
Guangxi University, China

Yangqing Lu, PhD
Professor, ARBL Principle Investigator
Tel/Fax: 86-771-3274214
Email: lyq@gxu.edu.cn
Website at GXU:!queryTeachInfoById.action?gh=FCEB45E6118B11E69C550050569949B5
Careers & Education
2012.12 - Current, Professor
Animal Reproduction Institute, College of Animal Science and Technology,
SKL for Conservation & Utilization of Subtropical Agro-bioresource,
Guangxi University, Nanning, China, 530004
2009.08 - 2013.08, Postdoctoral Associate, Visiting Scientist
Regenerative Bioscience Center, University of Georgia
Athen GA 30605, USA
2004.09 - 2008.06, Ph.D
Animal Reproduction and Genetics, Guangxi University
Nanning, Guangxi 530004, China
Research Interests
My reserch interest is animal reproductive biology and technology. Currently we are looking into the factors that facilitate the development and maintainance of embryo and germline stem cells in vitro and try to use these cell tools in gene editing and production of genetic modified animals with pharmaceutical and agricultural importance.
Selected Publications
Lu Y.Q., Zhang M., Meng B., Lu S.S., Wei Y.M., Lu K.H. Identification of X- and Y-chromosome bearing buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) sperm. Anim Reprod Sci, 2006. 95(1-2): 158-64.
Lu Y.Q., Liang X.W., Zhang M., Wang W.L., Kitiyanant Y., Lu S.S., Meng B., Lu K.H. Birth of twins after in vitro fertilization with flow-cytometric sorted buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) sperm. Anim Reprod Sci, 2007. 100(1-2): 192-6.
Liang X.W., Lu Y.Q., Chen M.T., Zhang X.F., Lu S.S., Zhang M., Pang C.Y., Huang F.X., Lu K.H. In vitro embryo production in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) using sexed sperm and oocytes from ovum pick up. Theriogenology, 2008. 69(7): 822-6.
Lu Y., Zhang M., Lu S., Xu D., Huang W., Meng B., Xu H., Lu K. Sex-preselected buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves derived from artificial insemination with sexed sperm. Anim Reprod Sci, 2010. 119(3-4): 169-71.
West F.D., Uhl E.W., Liu Y.B., Stowe H., Lu Y.Q., Yu P., Gallegos-Cardenas A., Pratt S.L., Stice S.L. Brief Report: Chimeric Pigs Produced from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Demonstrate Germline Transmission and No Evidence of Tumor Formation in Young Pigs. Stem Cells, 2011. 29(10): 1640-1643.
Lu Y., Mumaw J.L., West F.D., Stice S.L. Livestock Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2012. 47: 72-76.
Lu Y.Q., West F.D., Jordan B.J., Mumaw J.L., Jordan E.T., Gallegos-Cardenas A., Beckstead R.B., Stice S.L. Avian-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived Using Human Reprogramming Factors. Stem Cells and Development, 2012. 21(3): 394-403.
Lu Y.Q., West F.D., Jordan B.J., Jordan E.T., West R.C., Yu P., He Y., Barrios M.A., Zhu Z.Y., Petitte J.N., Beckstead R.B., Stice S.L. Induced Pluripotency in Chicken Embryonic Fibroblast Results in a Germ Cell Fate. Stem Cells and Development, 2014. 23(15): 1755-1764.
Chen D., Chen M., Lu Z., Yang M., Xie L., Zhang W., Xu H., Lu K., Lu Y. Cholesterol induces proliferation of chicken primordial germ cells. Anim Reprod Sci, 2016. 171: 36-40.
Zhang W.X., Zuo E.W., He Y., Chen D.Y., Long X., Chen M.J., Li T.T., Yang X.G., Xu H.Y., Lu S.S., Zhang M., Lu K.H., Lu Y.Q. Promoter structures and differential responses to viral and non-viral inducers of chicken melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5. Mol Immunol, 2016. 76: 1-6.