Team Members Attended ARBC2018, Taiwan China
At the invitation of the 13th Asian Reproductive Biotechnology Congress (ARBC) Organizing Committee, Professor Kehuan Lu, Professor Shengsheng Lu and eight students attended the congress. On the congress, Zhu Xiangxing and Wang Xuefang shared their researches "Generation of transgenic-cloned Guangxi Huanjiang Xiang pigs systemically-discharged green fluorescent protein" and "Generation of transgenic-cloned Guangxi Huanjiang Xiang pigs systemically-discharged green fluorescent protein" in the form of a poster. Li Tingting gave oral presentations on "The primary research of over expression of GDNF gene in buffalo testis Sertoli cells" and "The establishment of in vitro culture system of buffalo spermatogonial stem-like cells" at the conference. Professor Kehuan Lu and Shengsheng Lu had extensive exchanges with representatives from various countries and regions on the scientific research work, personnel training and reached preliminary cooperation intentions.
展学术交流活动。5月3日,朱向星博士题为《generation of transgenic-cloned guangxi huanjiang xiang pigs systemically expressing green fluorescent protein》的报告和王雪芳硕士题为《treatment with resveratrol during in vitro maturation improves porcine oocyte quality and embryonic development》的报告以壁报形式展出。5月5日,李婷婷博士做了题为《the primary research of over expression of GDNF gene in buffalo testis Sertoli cells》和《the establishment of in vitro culture system of buffalo spermatogonial stem-like cells》大会报告。朱向星博士的壁报展示了应用于克隆广西环江香猪的转基因技术。王雪芳硕士的壁报介绍了体细胞核移植技术的原理及应用,并对猪卵母细胞体外成熟培养环境中添加不同浓度的白藜芦醇对猪卵母细胞核成熟的影响进行了探究。李婷婷博士的学术报告主要围绕水牛精原干细胞研究展开,从什么是精原干细胞、精原干细胞在家畜繁殖生物技术的应用、水牛精原干细胞的原代分离与纯化鉴定、水牛精原干细胞培养体系优化的研究做了一场由浅入深的精彩报告,并与参会人员深入讨论了水牛精原干细胞培养体系优化过程中的一系列问题。卢克焕教授和卢晟盛研究员等与来自各个国家和地区的参会代表就科研工作、人才培养等基本情况进行了广泛交流,并达成了初步合作意向。